Mar 20, 2010


While checking my seiyuu images, I noticed that Miyano Mamoru-san's smiles and poses are almost the same here. 


Ahaha~ I miss his dubbing voice. I haven't watched any anime these past months with his voice in it. If I'm not mistaken the last anime (where he's a part of it) that I've watched was Kin'iro no Corda ~second passo~. I haven't been listening to his songs lately. I'm still pretty crazy with Tenisu no Oujisama and other romance anime that's why I am not spending much time searching for animes where he's in the cast.

Even though this is way too old news, I'm still in a shock until now that he's already married and has a baby. He's too young!! I'm sure many fans runt over that news and I'm one of them. 

Let's just remember that he's the one behind the voice of some popular anime characters like Yagami Light (Deathnote), Suou Tamaki (Ouran High School Host Club). Fuwa Shoutaro (Skip Beat), Aoi Kaji (La Corda d' Oro), Setsuna F. Seiei (Mobile Suit Gundam 00), Death the Kid (Soul Eater), Zero Kiryuu/Ichiru Kiryuu (Vampire Knight/Vampire Knight Guilty) He's also the one who acted as Yanagi Renji in the Prince of Tennis live-action movie and I think Ibu Shinji in some of the Prince of Tennis musicals.

Speaking of Soul Eater, I better start watching it after Inuyasha the final act. I know it's a nice anime but I still haven't checked it. Poor me. That's why I must exert tons of effort in it since it's quite a long run for me!


>>I'm not in the mood translating after all...<<

Hontou ni gomen nasai. I was also looking forward for my future translations but I'm really not in the mood. Maybe because I'm getting used to the google translator and other translating sites. I think translating all by myself is the most accurate among all but it can sometimes take me more than 30 minutes just to translate a song. Ah, it's really fun to understand Japanese as if it's your local dialect. I'm planning a lot these days but I can't finish everything and do everything in a blink. Why can't just save all of the Japanese words, phrases, lessons, writings, pronunciations, and anime in my mind!! >.<

Anyway, I mustn't be bothered by too much things since I can became totally insane and I'll loose my temper same as my good body condition. I'll just pretend that nothing's been distracting my mind. 


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