May 12, 2010

Learned Something Great!

I found this at Suwabe Junichi-san's blog post last May 11 (It's May 12 on my calendar now I wonder 'bout my blog GMT?!)

According to him he recorded something called [Este delusion] it heals you when you're tired. 

I want to tell him that his voice simply makes me feel energetic all of a sudden so no need to tell me. (^o^)

In this way, when the listener is using earphones he can hear the voice as if the real person is just whispering to you from your right or left side. See the microphone looks like a head? That just means that when Suwabe-san is whispering from the right you'll hear his voice from your right earphone. 

It really is interesting!!

At first I thought, they were just recording in normal way then the sound director or whoever is the one organizing the sounds, will just arrange it if you want to hear the sound from the right earphone of the other one. But I think some also uses the same method as what I am saying. This one opens me into another door. One day I hope I can even record at a thing like that. *laughs*

Well then , I hope I shared something interesting not only for OTAKUs like me. 

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