May 15, 2010

Miracle Train he WEB RADIO ends?!

I read from Okiayu Ryoutaro-san's Blog (a while ago) that there's chance that Miracle Train's WEB RADIO will end so I hit on the website and found this:

Webラジオ公開録音イベント リスナー枠募集!




日程 : 2010年5月29日(土)

時間 : 17時15分整列開始/17時45分開場/18時00分開演/19時30分終演予定

出演 : パーソナリティ……KENNさん(六本木 史 役)、藤原啓治さん(車掌 役)

     ※ゲスト決定!……置鮎龍太郎さん(新宿凛太郎 役)、森田成一さん(両国逸巳 役)



So, I kinda used the internet magic and turned everything to English in a BLINK. Even though I can read some Kanji and ALL THE KANAS, there's no way that I can understand everything. 

Here's the result of the translation:

Public record Web radio event listener looking frame!

Delivery started in October 2009, the acclaim WEB Radio "radio train conductor's room - ☆ ~ Welcome to Miracle," also we are approaching the end terminal. 
So memorable was the last time, we decided to conduct a public record? 

This entry to the ticket at the store for those who animate us in you'll receive a DVD Orimashita sixth volume book, distributed to the end and I immediately, this time, a special "frame listener" to We'll let things set up. 

Those who wish to participate, this website was set up a special form to fill out required information on more please apply! 
We invite you to an event drawing 38 people.

★ Event Description 
Date: May 29, 2010 (Saturday) 

Hours: 17:15 Start Line / Opening 17:45 / 18:00 pm / curtain will be at 19:30 

Cast: Mr. Personality ... ... KENN (Roppongi role history)治San Huzihara Akira (part conductor) 

guest decided ※! ... Mr. Ryutaro置鮎(part Rintaro Shinjuku), Mr. Morita Kazunari (part snake Yat countries) 

  on May 14, 2010 (Friday) 20 May 2010 day (Thursday) noon

That just means that there are lucky people who can guest at the said event. It'll be recorded then aired at the real time of the WEB RADIO?! If I can just see the seiyuus I will be really happy but if I can also get a chance to interact and talk to them? That'll be super duper ultra great moment of my life. ^_^

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